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We provide a Twig package. Twig is a PHP template engine with is own syntax.
- Official website:
- Documentation:
Integration in Berlioz
If you use the main repository of Berlioz : berlioz/berlioz, the package it's already available.
If you use customizable repositories, you need to install the package by yourself:
composer require berlioz/twig-package
In controllers, the method render(string $name, array $variables = []): string
is available to process of the rendering of a template file.
Example inside controllers methods:
// In controller method
$rendering = $this->render(
['myVar' => 'value']
Example outside controllers:
/** @var \Berlioz\Package\Twig\Twig $twig */
$twig = $this->getCore()->getServiceContainer()->get(\Berlioz\Package\Twig\Twig::class);
$rendering = $twig->render(
['myVar' => 'value']
Twig package have some methods:
Twig::render(string $name, array $variables = []): string
Add global variable.
Twig::hasBlock(string $name, string $blockName): bool
Has block in template?
Twig::renderBlock(string $name, string $blockName, array $variables = []): string
Render a block in template.
Default configuration
"berlioz": {
"directories": {
"templates": ""
"twig": {
"paths": {
"__main__": "%berlioz.directories.templates%"
"options": {
"cache": "%berlioz.directories.cache%/twig",
"debug": "%berlioz.debug.enable%"
"extensions": [
"globals": {}
The internal cache of Twig is use, and can be disabled:
"twig": {
"options": {
"cache": false