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HTTP Redirections

Last updated: Fri, 29 May 2020 14:19

Sometimes, you need to redirect an old route to a new route. You have two methods to redirect route to another route.

With config

You can create a redirections.json file into your configuration directory and add a similar content:

  "berlioz": {
    "http": {
      "redirections": {
        "^/old$": "/new",
        "^/old-route/(.*)": "/new-route/$1",
        "^/another-old-route/": "/new/"

The key berlioz.http.redirections is an JSON object. The key of property it's a regular expression to find, and the value is the replacement value.

In internal, Berlioz use preg_replace() PHP function. So you can use mask and replacement value with backreferences.

Examples for redirection with the config given in example above:

Original path Redirect path
/old /new
/old/foo No redirection
/old-route/foo /new-route/foo
/old-route/foo/bar /new-route/foo/bar
/old-route/ /new-route/
/another-old-route/ /new/
/another-old-route/foo/bar /new/foo/bar

The default redirection HTTP status code is 301 Moved Permanently, so if you want specify another HTTP status code, it's possible with this config example:

  "berlioz": {
    "http": {
      "redirections": {
        "^/old$": {"url": "/new", "type": 302}

In this example, the HTTP status code will be 302 Found.

With this method, controllers routes are priority from list of redirection. So if you have a conflict between a controller route and a defined route, the controller wins!

With controller

You can create redirection with methods of controllers, to use redirection() helper, who redirect with 302 Found HTTP status.

class MyController extends \Berlioz\HttpCore\Controller\AbstractController
     * @route( "/old-route" )
    public function oldMethod(): Response
        return $this->redirect('/new-route');

If you can also generate the route from the router, like this:

class MyController extends \Berlioz\HttpCore\Controller\AbstractController
     * @route( "/old-route" )
    public function oldMethod(): Response
        return $this->redirect($this->getRouter()->generate('foo-route'));

     * @route( "/new-route", name="foo-route" )
    public function newMethod(): Response
        // ...

If you want specify the HTTP response code, pass him in second parameter of redirect() method:

return $this->redirect('/new-route', 301);