Last updated: Wed, 08 Sep 2021 21:18


  • Class for this input: Berlioz\Form\Type\Choice
  • HTML equivalents:
    • <input type="checkbox">
    • <input type="radio">
    • <select>...</select>

Additional options

All commons options, and:

Name Type Default value Description
multiple boolean false If multiple choice accepted
expanded boolean false If expanded choices (radio if not multiple, else checkbox)
allow_clear boolean/string false If a blank element is added in first of list (if string value, it will be the label)
choice_transformer ChoiceTransformerInterface none Transformer for individual value
choice_label \Closure/array/string` none Function called to determine the label of a choice ; be able to an array ; be able to a method name to call for object elements
choice_value \Closure/array/string` none Function called to determine the value of a choice ; be able to an array ; be able to a method name to call for object elements
choice_attributes \Closure/array/string` none Function called to determine the attributes of a choice ; be able to an array ; be able to a method name to call for object elements
preferred_choices \Closure/array` none Function called to determine the preferred choices (first in the list) ; be able to an array of elements


No attribute.